Transport Services
Safety and Security are vital to providing seamless operations and quality services. More than any other economic activity, the success or failure of any business in PNG depends on being able to provide a safe and secure transportation service.
To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of security procedures, control measures and actions, ESS have taken initiatives to enhance transport security in the supply chain, especially during the physical movement of goods, products and people.
Our tools to manage our transport security are aimed at receiving accurate information about goods and transport sufficiently in advance, and applying risk management on the characteristics of the occupants, its route, the means of transport used and the companies involved, thus focussing on high risk transports and operators to identify overall and specifically identified and random inspections and diligent monitoring.
It is a basic right to be able to travel without fear of being in danger and at ESS, we take this very seriously and are committed to your safety on any of our varied modes of transport.
From armoured and armed vehicles to corporate vans, buses and high end trucks, we have transport vehicles to suit your every needs, ensuring that you or your contents get to your destination safe and sound.